Our last day in Martigny is sunny and 20 degrees. It feels like summer.
I am ever so grateful for the opportunity to go on this wonderful trip. Helene and Loriane have been the most gracious hosts. We also were entertained royally by Jean-Francois and Sandrine on several occasions. Everyone was so welcoming and gracious. All were so happy to see Gloria again, and she is ready to come back again soon. It was joyous to be with the people here, and even though my lack of French means I spend a lot of time just listening, I always felt included.
I am looking forward to a few more days in Montreal before arriving home. I am not looking forward to the long travel day tomorrow, but its manageable. I read all the books I had. I hope to pick up a English novel in the Geneva airport. My suitcases are almost packed and ready, and everything will fit. I didn't buy very much, fortunately.
This was a time of enjoying people, seeing fantastic places, and learning about my self. The three novels I read were all very different, but all happened to have a common thread about integrating the ups and downs of our lives and embracing all of what we are. A perfect fit for this experience.