Monday, July 27, 2009


I am in the process of moving--- again. I have moved many times in my life, particularly in certain periods. My move previous to this one was when I returned to Canada from Minneapolis a little over two years ago. My current residence is in a new suburban neighborhood-- it is the lower suite of a house that was brand new when I moved in. It is a nice space, but I don't need 4 rooms at this point in my life, and I want to be closer to downtown Vancouver.
I also do not want to live alone. I have found a very interesting situation--I am going to be moving into the home of a 86 year old woman, whose husband died a few years ago, and who also does not like living alone. This will be quite an adventure, and perhaps a challenge after living alone for some time. There is an additional twist to this, in that my new roommate, Gloria, is Francophone. She does speak English as well, but her main language is French. My French is basically non-existent. However, since first moving to Canada 20+ years ago, I have had the desire to learn French, and so now is my chance. Everyday life will be like being in French immersion school. I will write more on that later. But today's topic is downsizing.

Even though I have moved often, I have still been an accumulator, having far more stuff than I need. I have hauled much of this on my journey, always letting go of a certain amount each time moved, but managing to accumulate again. Books, sewing and knitting materials, clothes and CD's have been particular downfalls for me.

In my Positive Aging workshop program, I have a unit on "Clearing the Debris" which is more about spiritual and emotional housecleaning, but I think this needs to cover the area of material baggage as well. In our consumer oriented society, most of us have too much stuff. Our current recession was fueled by greed and grasping for more of everything. Our environmental crisis means we need to learn to live more simply. But getting there is not easy.

I have been donating books and other things, selling furniture on criagslist, and I had a Moving Sale last Saturday. My goal is to reduce my possessions by about 70%. I feel lighter already. I am letting go of projects I know I will never get finished, books I haven't read, and clothes I haven't worn for some time. I have some struggle with the guilt that I spent the money to buy these things in the first place, but holding on to them does not change the situation. I realized that I bought and paid for them, so I can dispose of them as I wish. I am trying to keep from putting things in the dump. Instead my goal is to get these things back into circulation so others can use them.

Downsizing is a very spiritual process. I am making room for more good things in my life, and releasing things I no longer need. That includes resentments, hurts, losses, and possessions. I want to be free to live and to love.

Maggie Rose

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